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491399Дата: Четверг, 24.11.2011, 03:47 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 58
Репутация: 1
Статус: Оффлайн
Здарова рибята я увидел сервер по тестировал и хател залити и вам! паходу иво нету в релаис тут

и сори он на англиском !

! This time i present you our Season V server files.
Files are 99% bugless .
Please test and report bugs. !

Update News:

Season 5 Episode 4
Update 5:
Summer Event - 100%
Medusa Event - 100%
BotPet Fix - 100%
Custom Jewels - 100%
Mini Wings Fixed - 100%
Season 5 Episode 4 Golden Monster Support - 100%
Season 5 Episode 4 Skills Support - 100%
Skeleten Pet Fix - 100%
Summoner - 100%
Antihack Update - 100%
Castle Siage Fixed - 100%
Chaos Mix - 100%

Update 4:
Fixed Quest 3 - Client & Server - 100%
Skill Tree - 100%
BotPet - 100%
LorenMarket - 100%
Imperial Event - 100%
Double Goer Event - 100%
Added AntiDos to server - 100%
Making litle changes(fixes)
Added New Items - 100%
Database : MuOnline and SCFMuTeam are updated - 100%
SCFExDB Re-Fixed - 100%
Added MuMaker with new items - 100%
/item commands can be used by all rank GM's - 100%
ResetSystem Re-Tested - 100%

Update 3:
Exl Items - Fixed (Trade,Sell,Drop)
CashShop Items - Fixed
PVP Bug - Fixed
Crywolf Event - Fixed
SD Potion - Fixed
Elf Buff - Fixed
Jewel Rates - Fixed
Wings Rates - Fixed
Chaos Mix - Fixed
Skills - Fixed
Reset Command - Prefixed
Summoner - 100%
Chaos Castle 1 Player Reward - Fixed
Duel System - Prefixed
Added Flood Protection
Checked Anti-Hack protection
Quest's - 100% working
New Monsters Added

VER: 10.04.83
. [Exp] Dissabled Show Exp on Login
. [Exp] Normal servers exp changed back to 5000
. [Event] Enabled Land Of Trials autoopen when server starts (GMA can close it.)
. [CastleSiege] Fixed CastleSiege potions use (can only use during siege)
. [SoketSystem] Increased Soket items count in file to 512
. [Event] Swamp Event entrance fixed if warping from another server
. [Event] Summer Event Added
. [ChaosBox] Chaos Box Cheat Fixed
. [BotPet] Fixed issue with closing BotPet, reopening it and botpet loosing its items
. [BotPet] Fixed wrong BotPet saving and SCF ExDB disconnection due to overflow in variables
. [BotPet] Removed 'SaveBot' variable from source, doesnt save 'auto regeneration' other ways
. [Invasion] Season 5 Episode 4 Golden Invasion ADDED
VER: 10.04.63
. [CustomJewels] Added protection from applying jewels to rings and wings (all jewels for now)
. [BotPet] Added LevelUp animation for botpet
. [BotPet] New Commands Added
. [BotPet] Decrease Arrows and bolts Added
. [BotPet] Can trade arrows and bolts
. [BotPet] Trade FIX
. [Monster] Medusa Can Drops 1 to 10 Items (ONLY ON SWAMP OF PEACE EVENT)
. [Events] Swamp of Peace Event Added
. [SkillTree] Added Summoner SkillTree FULL WORKING 100%
. [Shops] Added 3 New Shops (NPC 545,546,547)
. [Ring] Added Skeleton Transformation Ring
. [Server] Season 5 EP 2,3,4 Skill Buff Fixed
. [Server] Season 5 EP 2,3,4 Skill Attack Fixed
. [Server] Season 5 EP 2,3,4 Normal Attack Fixed
. [Server] Season 5 EP 2,3,4 Support
. [Pet] Skeleton Pet Effect Added: (20% More DMG / +10 Attack Speed / 30% More Exp)
. [Pet] Skeleton Pet Visual Bug on Selection Screen Fixed
. [Pet] Skeleton Pet Visual Bug ingame Fixed
. [PKSystem] Changed PK/Hero level decrease count
. [PKSystem] Fixed hero drop percentage increase for exc items
. [Buffs] Summoner skills & lighting storm skill from MG attack in no PVP server FIX
. [BotPet] Added BotPet 'potmana' and 'pothp' commands to use pots
. [BotPet] Added BotPet trade capability (/botpet trade)
. [BotPet] Fixed index 88 on Source Code
. [MuGuard] Anithack Updated
. [MuGuard] Server-Side Anithack ADDED !
. [Client] New launcher design
[10.04.52]* NEW
[Server] Fixed lag when 10+ user online
[Server] Fixed Castle siege server
[Server] Fixed random disconnect - client side
[BotPet] Added option
[BotPet] Fixed random disconnect when using bot pet
[Anti-Hack] Updated security risk
[Security] Fixed SQL Security/ Injection
[Server] Fixed character get bugged when you equip +14 or +15 item(visual bug)
[Server] Fixed wing visual bug FiNAL FIX
[Client] Added mini map ( Click tab to enable )
. [Server] Crash Fix
. [BotPet] Fixed BotPets reappearance if calling it from Castle Server
. [Castle Siege] Fixed Lifestone destruction/recreation engine (can create new stone when ol one is broken)
. [Config] Added SCFBlockHarmonyItemsTrade to SCF_Items.ini [ItemMoveLimit] block JOH Item trade
. [Config] Added SCFBlockFFFFFFFFSerialTrade to SCF_Items.ini [ItemMoveLimit] block special items trade
. [Anti-Hack] Added new anti-hack strings related with trade and duped items to anti-hack logs
. [BotPet] Added more dialogs when BotPet dies, added more info in stats bar, logs.

! MFS Team Season 5 Server Files Working On: !

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bits , Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 !



Client Info:

Version: 1.07.08
Serial: Mfsteamforeverrr
Fixed Create Character

! Warning use Hex Editor to edit Main.exe IP and Serial !

Server Files:


Update Server Files:

http://www.mediafire.com/?5rxccnly24rtecd ---GameServer

http://www.mediafire.com/?dc3gl7il7w5cdbf ---GameServerCS

http://www.mediafire.com/?i84qvqjf12bv06p ----SCFExdb

Update 4 Files (old update 4 stable version):
Server Files:


1. Server Config:
ClientExeVersion = 1.07.08
ClientExeSerial = Mfsteamforeverrr

ClientExeVersion = 1.07.08
ClientExeSerial = Mfsteamforeverrr

2. Client Config:
main.exe HexEdit
Serial: Mfsteamforeverrr

Client Support Last Fixes for Episode 4
- Monsters (+All Monsters Kill)
- Maps
- Items
- Custom Items (that i worked on update 4)
Support 3d Camera

Download Client:


IP Changes:

SQL Password Changes:

How to start server:
You will start the server from folder "Start Server"
Enjoy !


Добавлено (24.11.2011, 03:47)
Mojet vam ponravita !

Новыи сервер Season4 Episode 6

digimoncikДата: Четверг, 24.11.2011, 13:26 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 26
Репутация: 3
Статус: Оффлайн
спасибо +1 по тестируем =)))

491399Дата: Четверг, 24.11.2011, 15:09 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 58
Репутация: 1
Статус: Оффлайн
Nz !

Новыи сервер Season4 Episode 6

proMACTEPДата: Суббота, 28.01.2012, 21:48 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 87
Репутация: 23
Статус: Оффлайн
По описанию вроде ничего, надо будет протестить smile

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