за 40$ вы кого разводите
вот информация с сайта muguard AntiCheat MUGuard.
Each server requires in AntiCheat. It is one of those AntiCheat which should be if not on everyone, so almost on everyone private MUonline server. Cheaters are necessary to nobody. They spoil reputation of your server. Adequately against cheaters, AntiCheat MUGuard will relieve you of any harmful programs (cheats and hacks) which tickle nerves to each manager. AntiCheat MUGuard checks the computer of the client every second if it is found running cheat, the system throws out at once from game. In base exist 132 cheats and programs (hacks) are capable to change a game course. As system MUGuard checks integrity of the client. Critical files nevertheless it can not be changed. That is at replacement in the client of file Player.bmd, Item.bmd etc., the system will find out at once substitution of files and client MU will not start.
We will generalise above told:
1) MuGuard will automatically close game at detection on the client computer started a cheat or hack.
2.) If cheat is runnig before game then the system will not start game that of that time while cheat will not be closed.
3.) it is impossible to change the client, the system checks authenticity of files, whether corresponds they files downloaded with game sites. At substitution of a file the system will block an input in game.
AntiCheat MUGuard compatible for any version of game MU Online. From 0.97 the version till 4th season.
Updating goes in process of an exit new cheat or hack.
DLL hooking. ( 3d.dll,glow.dll,antihack.dll and others dll what you want)
Now, AutoUpdater is included only for additional.
The prices:
MUGuard AntiCheat
Lite ------------------------------------------------- 30$
MUGuard AntiCheat.
Standard ------------------------------------------- 50$
MUGuard AntiCheat.
+Client Check, client integrity check. working on MD5 algorithm.
Full -------------------------------------------------- 100$
MUGuard AntiCheat.
+Client Check, client integrity check. working on MD5 algorithm.
+Protect from hidden processes and antirootkit software. Exp: HideToolz.
- Adding UseNPGGChecksum в option to GameServe.exe (server-side check of main.exe)
защита смены вашего реально main.exe на поделочный. ----- 20 долларов.
- Снятие защиты с main.exe на .bmd файлы которые вам необходимы отредактировать. - 15 долларов
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